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But we can! Fairly frequently.

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1w ago

During the day, the brightness of the sun overwhelms the dim light from the moon, making it difficult for our eyes to perceive the moon's presence against the sunlit sky. Additionally, the angle between the sun, Earth, and moon during the day typically makes the moon appear near the sun in the sky, further reducing its visibility.

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Q: Why can't we see the moon in daylight?
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Why can't we see moon in daylight?

During the day, the light from the sun is so bright that it overpowers the reflected light from the moon, making it difficult for our eyes to see the moon. Additionally, the moon is often in a different part of the sky during the day, further reducing visibility.

When the moon is seen from earth during your daylight hours is it the moon you see or a relection from space?

It is the moon you see,

On nights when we see a full moon what side of the moon are we seeing?

The daylight side of the moon

What nights when we see a full Moon what side of the moon are we seeing?

The daylight side of the moon

What side of the moon are we seeing On nights when we see a full Moon?

The daylight side of the moon

What On nights when we see a full Moon what side of the moon are we seeing?

The daylight side of the moon

On nights when we see full moon what side of the moon are we seeing?

The daylight side of the moon

Can you see the moon in full daylight?

Yes, you can see the moon in full daylight if it is bright enough and if the sky is clear. The moon is often visible during the day, especially in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun is not as bright.

What phrase is the moon when you cant see it?

A new moon.

Is the moon in the sky during the day?

The moon can be seen in the sky during daylight, depending on where it is in its orbit. But, due to the brightness of daylight, the moon may be very difficult to see with the naked eye.

Why do you see different shaped moon in the sky?

The moon itself doesn't change shape. What you see is the moon's daylight and night time periods moving across its face.

Why can you only see a moon at night?

The moon can also been seen during daylight under the correct conditions.