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Q: Why are they no plants on the moon?
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What are plants called on the moon?

there are no plants on the moon

How would life be on the moon without plants and animals?

there is defently no life on the moon because there is no plants or anaimals there is defently no life on the moon because there is no plants or anaimals

Does the moon has plants?


Do plants live on the moon?

No, nothing lives on the moon.

Is there plants or trees on the moon?

No. The moon cannot support life.

Is it possible to grow plants in the soil on the moon?

No, because there is no oxygen in space therefore it is not possible to grow plants in the soil on the moon

Name the two plants with NO moon?

Sunflower and Strawberry plants have no moon in their astrological correspondences.

What plants are close to the moon?

The ones on earth, because there are no plants in outer space, and none on the moon that have been discovered yet.

What common traits do Earth's moon and Neptunes moon Triton have?

They have no plants or animals

What type of plants grow with the moon?

there are no such thing:)

What do moon bears eat?

plants and animals

Why there is not any plants or animals on the moon?

Plants and animals require specific conditions such as air, water, and a suitable environment to survive. The moon does not have these necessary conditions as it has no atmosphere, water, or suitable temperature for life to exist. Additionally, the surface of the moon is harsh with extreme temperature variations and high levels of radiation, making it impossible for plants and animals to survive.