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trees are shaped like cones mountains because when snow falls on themit covers the leaves and the tree will start to rot . so the trees are shaped like cones .

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Q: Why are the trees on mountains shaped like cone?
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What is a cone shaped tornado?

A cone-shaped tornado is simple a tornado whose funnel is cone-shaped. Tornado funnels may also appear rope-like, column-like, or appear wispy. The shape and size of a tornado do not necessarily indicate how strong the tornado is.

Why mountains are in cone shaped?

Mountains get the distinct cone shape because billions of years of tectonic plates sliding and crashing together has forced the earth to form up into mountains or the other way mountains were formed in deep see canyons millions of years ago and the imence presure of the water gives the mountains there distict shape sound silly I know but billions of years ago the world was more water than land just like it is now but back then all the continents were one huge continent and in time the split up also forming mountains with the distinct cone shape hope this answer helps :)

Why is a lava lamp shaped like a cone?

A lava lamp is shaped like a cone to allow the wax to rise and fall within the lamp in a visually appealing way. The cone shape helps create a more dynamic and mesmerizing lava flow effect as the wax warms up and cools down.

Stalagmites are formed from?

Stalagmites are formed from mineral-rich water dripping from the ceiling of a cave. As the water drips, minerals are left behind and over time these minerals build up to create the cone-like shapes of stalagmites.

Why is the mandir shaped like a mountain?

The mandir is shaped like a mountain because it symbolizes a sacred place that is believed to be closer to the divine realm. In Hinduism, mountains are often considered to be abodes of the gods, and by shaping the mandir in this way, it represents a connection between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Related questions

What are the characteristics of the temperate forests?

-Trees are cone-shaped to allow snow to slide off easily -Leaves are small and needle-like to reduce water loss -Trees are evergreen -It has 1 layered vegetation -It has 1 variety of cone-shaped trees

What are facts about coniferous trees?

the conferious trees are like cone shaped and keep their leaves all year round and that's about all i know sorry :( .

What things are shaped like a cone?

a ice cream cone!:)

What is a solid or hollow figure shaped like a cone?

cone that is my answer

What is the name of a cake shaped like a cone?

A cream horn is a cone-shaped cake that is filled with cream.

What are cone shaped fruits?

They are fruits which are shaped like cones.

Things that are shaped like a cone?

Funnel, ice cream cone, traffic cone.

What is shaped like a cone?

ice cream cone, sometimes vases

What solid shape is shaped like a cone?

an ice-cream cone

What object is shaped like a cone?

A cone! Obviously.....

What shape leaves do a conifer tree have?

A conifer has needle shaped leaves. The cones are the seed bearers.

What is the base of a cone shaped like?

the base of a cone is a circle you dumb nut