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Q: Why are the period and it and development is known as the scientific revolution?
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What is the period of a planets revolution can be used to calculate the planet?

The period of a planet's revolution is the time that it takes to complete one revolution around its axis of rotation relative to the background stars (also known as rotation period).

Moon's revolution period?

The Moon's revolution period around the Earth is approximately 27.3 days. This period is known as the sidereal month, and it is the time it takes for the Moon to complete one orbit around the Earth with respect to the fixed stars.

What is jupiters period of revolution?

Jupiter's period of revolution, also known as its orbital period, is approximately 11.9 Earth years. This means that it takes Jupiter about 11.9 years to complete one orbit around the Sun.

Which eminent historian called the process of replacing one paradigm with another a scientific revolution?

Thomas Kuhn, an eminent historian and philosopher of science, is known for calling the process of replacing one paradigm with another a "scientific revolution" in his book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions." Kuhn's work has had a significant impact on the philosophy of science and our understanding of how scientific knowledge changes over time.

The planet with the period of revolution closest to Earth's is?

Hi Venus is the only planet that has the revolution period closest to that of the Earth. Venus with a revolution time of 224.7 Earth days. Venus is the brightest of all the planets in the solar system and is known as the Earth's twin sister due to the similarity between the two planets in terms of Size, mass etc.

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The rapid growth in science that began in the Renaissance is known as the Scientific Revolution. This period, lasting from the 16th to 18th centuries, saw advancements in fields such as astronomy, physics, and biology, as well as the development of the scientific method. Key figures of this period include Galileo, Newton, and Copernicus.

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The period from 1750 - 1850 is known as the Age of Revolution.

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Descartes is known for his concept of methodological doubt, emphasizing skepticism and the importance of rational inquiry in seeking knowledge. This approach to questioning assumptions and relying on reason to establish truths had a significant impact on the development of the Scientific Revolution.

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The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century.

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The first development of agricultural practices is commonly known as the Neolithic Revolution. This period marked the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities, leading to significant advancements in human civilization. It happened around 12,000 years ago.

What was the foundation of the search for knowledge called the scientific revolution?

The scientific revolution was founded on the principles of observation, experimentation, and the use of reason and logic to understand the natural world. It was a period of significant advancements in science and technology, challenging prevailing beliefs and leading to the development of modern scientific methods.

Was Isaac Newton influential during the renaissance period?

Isaac Newton was not a part of the Renaissance period; he lived in the 17th and early 18th centuries, known as the Scientific Revolution. His work in physics and mathematics was influential in shaping modern science.

What is the period of a planets revolution can be used to calculate the planet?

The period of a planet's revolution is the time that it takes to complete one revolution around its axis of rotation relative to the background stars (also known as rotation period).

What is the period of revolution for Juipiter?

Jupiter takes about 11.86 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun. This is known as its orbital period or revolution.

Identify three or more cities on the map that existed when the scientific revolution began around 1500?

Some cities that existed during the scientific revolution include: Florence, Italy - known for its thriving cultural and intellectual environment during the Renaissance. Paris, France - a center of learning with institutions like the University of Paris. London, England - home to the Royal Society, a pivotal institution in the development of scientific thought. Nuremberg, Germany - known for its printing and publishing industry that disseminated scientific knowledge.

Period of growth in European arts education and sciences?

There are two known periods of growth in European art, education and science. The first is the Renaissance; art flourished as well as education in the ancient languages and the development of the sciences. However during the Renaissance, science progress but did not make great advancements until the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution.