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for it to absorb heat because dull colors are good absorbers of heat

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Q: Why are the inner surface of a solar cooker painted black?
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Why pipe of solar heater and container of solar cookers are painted black?

The pipes of solar heaters and containers of solar cookers are painted black because black surfaces are good at absorbing solar radiation and converting it into heat. This helps the devices to heat up more efficiently, making them more effective at harnessing solar energy for heating water or cooking food.

What is the best material used in the inner container of rice cooker?

Non-stick or steel.

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In centrifugal casting, the outer surface is typically smoother than the inner surface due to the centrifugal force exerted during the process, which pushes impurities towards the inner surface. The outer surface also tends to have a finer grain structure compared to the inner surface. The inner surface may exhibit greater porosity and can be more susceptible to defects due to the cooling process occurring more rapidly on this surface.

Where can you get a replacement inner pot for a National rice cooker?

you can go to some chinese store in canada they might still have it

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The surface temperature of Venus is higher than the surface temperatures of the other inner planets because of its thick atmosphere.

Why is the surface temperature of Venus higher than the other surface temperatures of the inner planets?

The surface temperature of Venus is higher than the surface temperatures of the other inner planets because of its thick atmosphere.

What do you call the inner surface of hand?

The palm.

Which layer is hotter then the surface of the sun?

The inner core is hotter then the sun's surface.

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The villi on the inner surface.

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The epithelium covering the inner surface of the eyelids is called the palpebral conjunctiva, while the outer surface of the eye is covered by the bulbar conjunctiva.

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Mercury is the most heavily cratered of the inner planets.

Is the Inner Core hotter Than The Suns Inner Core?

No it is not, however it is similar to that of the sun's surface