Mountains in a distance will often look blue or purple because of the refraction of light. It is properly called atmospheric perspective by artists.
The blue color of the Blue Mountains in Australia is caused by the scattering of sunlight by tiny droplets of oil released by the eucalyptus trees that cover the area. This scattering effect creates a blue haze that gives the mountains their distinct color when viewed from a distance.
The opposite color of light blue is a warm color like orange or red on the color wheel.
The name of a dark grayish blue color is slate blue.
Mountains can appear purple in the distance due to atmospheric scattering of light. When sunlight passes through the atmosphere, shorter wavelengths like blue and green are scattered, while longer wavelengths like red and purple are allowed to pass through. This causes distant mountains to appear blue or purple as the shorter wavelengths are filtered out by the atmosphere.
Any color on the blue side of the color wheel is considered a cool color. This includes blue, cyan, indigo, sky blue, and turquoise.
his favorite color might have been blue
The Blue Ridge Mountains are also called the Smokies or Smokey Mountains. Both are because of the color seen through the frequent mist and fog surrounding the mountains. Seen from a distance, the mountains are a smokey blue color.
The sky's color and radiance get in the way
"The blue ridge mountains are named for the color that the mountain range turns in the early morning. There is a country song that mentions these mountains as well called ""Country Roads"""
I think blue or gray?... I really don't know ask a except!!!!;)
Itis green and blue.Improved:Not only is it green and blue, it is grey due to mountains and orange because of deserts.But the true color of the EARTH is Blue "Blue Planet"
A grey,stormy type eg... blue or grey
BLue mountains authorities and UNESCO
They are called the Blue Mountains. They are called the blue mountains because the oil from the eucalyptus trees make them look blue from a mountains
no, there is no alligators in the Blue Ridge Mountains
The Blue Ridge Mountains are a physiographic province of the Appalachian Mountains in the northeastern continental US.
The Blue Ridge Mountains are part of the Appalachian Mountain range.
blue is a color like the color of blue diamonds Blue is a color