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Q: Why are some stars hotter than others?
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Are sun like stars hot?

Yes they are. Some are hotter than others.

Are the stars hot like sun?

Yes, stars are hot like the sun. Stars are massive balls of glowing gas that emit light and heat through nuclear fusion reactions in their cores. The temperature of stars can vary depending on their size and age, but they are all extremely hot compared to other objects in space.

What is a clue to a stars temperature?

Its colour. White stars are hotter than blue stars which are hotter than yellow which are hotter than orange, which are hotter than red.

Why is it that there are main sequence stars which are hot and others are cool and dim?

some stars are hotter than others because they have more hydrogen to use and create heat with. BTW- answered by a 6th grader.

Are stars hoter than the sun?

Some stars are hotter then the Sun such as Sirius and Rigel.

Is the sun hotter or cooler than red and blue stars?

The sun is cooler than blue stars but hotter than red stars. Blue stars are typically the hottest, followed by white, yellow (like the sun), orange, and then red stars in terms of temperature.

Why are some stars are brighter than the others?

Because some are larger than others and some are closer than others.

Why do some stars look brighter than others?

Stars look brighter than others due to factors such as their size, temperature, and distance from Earth. A larger and hotter star will appear brighter, as will a star that is closer to us. The brightness of a star as seen from Earth is measured by its apparent magnitude.

Do stars produce heat?

Yes. Stars are extremely hot. The sun is one of them. Some stars are even hotter and brighter than the sun.

What are the process of getting some place hotter than the others?


Is the sun the hottest and biggest star?

No. Other stars are much larger and much hotter than the sun. The sun only seems larger and hotter than others because it is the closest star to us.

Do stars move quicker than others?

Yes, some stars move more quickly than others