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The reason being is that N.A.S.A does not want to lose millions and billions of dollars in shuttles or crafts so they put computers that can be tracked and remotely controlled so people do not risk their lives in space and so the shuttles/crafts don't get lost in space.

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Computers are used in space shuttles and rockets to control various systems like navigation, avionics, communication, and monitoring of vital spacecraft functions. They ensure precise control, automation of tasks, and real-time data processing to assist astronauts in completing missions safely and efficiently. Additionally, computers help in managing onboard resources effectively and conducting scientific experiments in space.

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Did anyone travel in space in a rocket or did all space travel occur in space shuttles?

Both rockets and space shuttles have been used for space travel. Rockets are typically used to launch spacecraft into orbit, while space shuttles are reusable spacecraft that can carry astronauts and cargo to and from space. Many astronauts have traveled in both rockets and space shuttles over the years.

Why are space shuttles preferred over rockets?

Space shuttles are rockets, however they were intended to be mostly reusable while other rockets are totally disposable.However the space shuttle is no longer being used: the design is considered obsolete, equipment was aging and deteriorating faster than expected, and they were no longer considered safe to continue flying.

What is a mode of transportation into space?

Some common modes of transportation into space include rockets and space shuttles. Rockets use powerful engines to propel spacecraft beyond Earth's atmosphere, while space shuttles are reusable spacecraft that launch like a rocket and land like an airplane. Both of these vehicles are used to carry astronauts and cargo into space for missions to the International Space Station or beyond.

Why are shuttles called shuttles?

Shuttles are called shuttles because they transport people or objects back and forth between two locations, similar to how a weaving shuttle moves back and forth on a loom. The term "shuttle" is derived from the action of moving to and fro or back and forth.

Do space shuttles carry humans?

Yes, space shuttles are designed to carry astronauts into space. They have been used in the past to transport crew members to and from space stations like the International Space Station.

Related questions

What is the difference between space rockets and space shuttles?

space shuttles were made to be reusable, rockets were used only once

Why are shuttles called shuttles?

Shuttles are called shuttles because they transport people or objects back and forth between two locations, similar to how a weaving shuttle moves back and forth on a loom. The term "shuttle" is derived from the action of moving to and fro or back and forth.

What will rockets be used for in the future?

Rockets, help us today because they can take us to space which is miles away from Earth. We don't use space shuttles today because they use up all their gas really quickly and it takes a long time to get to space by space shuttles so instead of space shuttles we have rockets that help us today to get to space.

What is the diffence between space shuttles and regular rockets?

A rocket is meant to be used once; a space shuttle is used multiple times.

How do you use the word 'retrofire' in a sentence?

Retrofire is a verb used to refer to the ignition of rockets, specifically retrorockets.Sample Sentence:"The space shuttles were maneuvered by subtle retrofire of rockets positioned in locations on the exterior."

Why are space shuttles preferred over rockets?

Space shuttles are rockets, however they were intended to be mostly reusable while other rockets are totally disposable.However the space shuttle is no longer being used: the design is considered obsolete, equipment was aging and deteriorating faster than expected, and they were no longer considered safe to continue flying.

Names of space shuttles first used in 1980?

The space shuttles that were first used in 1980 were Columbia and Challenger. Both space shuttles were part of NASA's Space Shuttle program and conducted various missions until the Challenger disaster in 1986.

How has the space shuttle revolutionised space travel?

Yes! As far as space travel goes, Shuttles are basically our only way, at the moment, to travel far distances in the endless reaches of space. Apart from rockets which take take us from earth into space, and carry the heavy loads, shuttles are what are used mainly.

What experiences did Neil Armstrong have in space before he went to the moon?

He had 7 close to space experiences. He used to test drive rockets and shuttles , and 7 times he touched the atmosphere.

How is a space shuttle used in a satellite launch?

Generally space shuttles are not used to launch satellites as it is very costly to launch a space shuttle. Rockets with automated systems place satellites in orbit as opposed to a manned shuttle.

Why are space shuttles better modes of tranportation than earlier rockets?

Unlike earlier rockets which used capsules to transport crew, space shuttle orbiters, their engines and solid rocket boosters are reusable. Only the external fuel tank is discarded during space shuttle missions

What materials are used to make space shuttles?

Space shuttles are primarily made of aluminum alloys, reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) for the heat shield, and thermal protection tiles. The external fuel tank is made of aluminum and the solid rocket boosters use a combination of aluminum, steel, and composite materials. Various other materials such as titanium, ceramics, and specific polymers are also used in different components of the space shuttle.