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Because of one simple science fact :

“Cold air is heavier than warm air”

When an air conditioner is at a certain height, it cools the air surrounding it, this cool air being heavier moves towards the floor of the room, meanwhile displacing the warm air already at the floor to the top. This warm air again gets cooled because of the air conditioner and the process repeats. This causes a uniform cooling of the room.

Suppose if the air conditioner is at the bottom of the room, it cools the air surrounding it and this air stays at the bottom. The warm air towards the ceiling continues to stay warm for a very long time hence the cooling is not effective.

It is for the same reason the freezer is at the top in a refrigerator.

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Parth Kabra

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3y ago
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Parth Kabra

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2mo ago

Air conditioners are often placed near the ceiling of a room because cold air is denser than warm air. By installing the unit higher up, it allows the cool air to fall and circulate more effectively throughout the room. Additionally, placing the air conditioner near the ceiling can also help to prevent drafts and provide more even cooling.

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14y ago

This is because the cold air from the air conditioner , being heavier, comes down to replace the relatively lighter warm air of the room.

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The air conditioners are fitted near the ceiling, so that the cold air from the AC takes the place of hot air rising up from the bottom. In this way, the entire room gets cooled.

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4y ago

Because air molecules near the ceiling get cooled ,becomes denser and sink

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Q: Why are air conditioners placed near the ceiling of the room?
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