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Zeus's known associates were Hera, Artemis, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Demeter, and poiseidon and many many more. Or just look this up on Google to along with aphrodite or any goddess or internet explorer

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Zeus' associates included other deities in the Greek pantheon such as Hera (his wife), Poseidon (his brother), Athena (his daughter), and Apollo (his son), among others. He also had various other divine and mortal companions and allies who assisted him in his endeavors and battles.

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Who were Aphrodite's known associates?

Aphrodite's known associates were Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Apollo, Demeter, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus and many many more I am A straight A student so You can rely on me for sure or You could could look it up on google.