Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the first practical light bulb in 1879. While there were others who contributed to the development of electric lighting, Edison's version was the first to be widely distributed and commercially successful.
Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the first practical light bulb. While Edison is often associated with the invention, it is important to note that the creation of the light bulb was the result of incremental improvements on earlier designs by other inventors.
The first electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. It was commonly referred to as the "Edison bulb" or the "incandescent light bulb."
The inventor of the light bulb is Thomas Edison. He patented the first commercially successful incandescent light bulb in 1879.
Thomas Edison is credited with selling the first commercially viable incandescent light bulb in 1879. However, other inventors like Humphry Davy and Joseph Swan also contributed to the development of the light bulb.
The first light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. It had a carbonized bamboo filament inside a glass vacuum bulb. When an electric current passed through the filament, it would glow and produce light.
in history, the first person to discover and make the first light bulb is Thomas Edison.
The person who invented the light bulb was Nikola Tesla look him up.
Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the first practical light bulb. While Edison is often associated with the invention, it is important to note that the creation of the light bulb was the result of incremental improvements on earlier designs by other inventors.
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the first commercially practical incandescent light bulb in 1879. However, Sir Humphry Davy created the first electric light in 1802 by passing an electric current through a platinum filament.
No he didn't thmas edison did.
The electric light bulb came first but was patented later that the telephone was.
where was the first light bulb used
The first electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. It was commonly referred to as the "Edison bulb" or the "incandescent light bulb."
thomas alva eddition ............answered anil allahabadi
No, nor was he the first person to create a light bulb, that honor goes to Warren de la Rue who demonstrated one in 1840.
No, not necessarily. If they invent or discover something that we do not have in the modern world, then yes they would. But, some of the scientists do not get the credit. For example, Thomas Edison was the first person to create the light bulb. People may think this is true, but there was another person before him named Sir Joseph Wilson Swan who created the actual light bulb. Thomas Edison just made it better.