It is impossible to breathe the Moon's "air" considering the Moon does not have an atmosphere.
Astronauts on the space station breathe in air that is produced by life support systems, which remove carbon dioxide and replenish oxygen. The air is circulated through filters to maintain a clean environment for astronauts to breathe.
No, people cannot breathe in space without a helmet. Space is a vacuum, so there is no air to breathe. Without a helmet, there would be no protection from the vacuum of space, causing a person's blood to boil and ultimately leading to unconsciousness and death.
Yes, gravity affects the air that we breathe. That is why it is harder to breathe when we go up high mountains. There is less air there. Without gravity, the air would float off into space, just as we would.
When you breathe in, you take in oxygen and when you breathe out, you release carbon dioxide. Most of the air you breathe out is composed of nitrogen and oxygen with a slightly higher concentration of carbon dioxide than in the atmosphere. The oxygen you inhale is used by your cells for energy production, while the carbon dioxide is a waste product that is released back into the air.
No air The space suit has air bottles
No, you cannot breathe on Titan. Titan, one of Saturn's moons, has a thick atmosphere mostly composed of nitrogen but lacking in oxygen, making it impossible for humans to breathe.
if u r talking about mouth-to-mouth respiration, you might be wondering, the person exhaling have used up all the oxygen in the air, so why does the inhaling person can still get oxygen? The answer is, actually we cannot use up all the oxygen in the air we breathe in. There is approx. 21% oxygen in the atmosphere (i.e. in the air we breathe in), but in the air we breathe out, depending on our activity level, will have 4-5% less oxygen. Therefore we actually still have around 16% of oxygen in the air we breathe out. Therefore the person helped with artificial respiration can use this oxygen
They breathe air with lungs.
They do breathe air.
the average adult is 2-3litres
Betta fish breathe air....yes... that's right... they breathe air. They breathe air because they have an organ by their gills that is called the Labyrinth's Organ which allows them to breathe air. They breathe air by coming up to the surface of the water. Then they gather air in their mouths and hold their breath underwater.
Yes, cheetahs do breathe air.
Oxygen is approximately 21% of the air we breathe.
Air enters the body when you inhale (Breathe in) air enters through the mouth and into the lungs. and then exhale (Breathe out) carbon dioxide (CO2)
No. We can't. As infants we can breathe liquids for the first 9 months of our lives.When we are born, we rely on oxygen in the air.
The same air that you and I breathe.
The Air That I Breathe was created in 1974-01.