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Q: Who theorized about gravity?
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Who theorized the earth circled the sun?

Galileo theorized the earth circled the sun.

In which Country was the Concept of Gravity invented?

The concept of gravity was not invented in a specific country. It was developed over time by various scientists and philosophers, with contributions from individuals like Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei. These pioneers observed and theorized about the force that attracts objects toward each other, leading to our current understanding of gravity.

Who theorised the Bohr model in physics?

The Bohr model was theorized by Niels Bohr. He compared his model to that of the planets orbiting the sun but instead of gravity holding atoms together, he suggested electrostatic forces.

What is an antonym for the word 'theorized'?

an antonym for theorize is prove i found it at

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The asteroid belt is theorized to be pieces of what was supposed to be a planet located between Mars and Jupiter. These pieces, or planetesimals, were unable to come together to form a larger planet because they were pulled apart by gravity.

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he theorized pangaea

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he theorized on cupcakes

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It is theorized that like the storms on earth the air pressure stabalized. A storm on jupitar could last longer than storms on earth because of the difference in atmoshere compisition and gravity.

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harry hess

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Ernest Rutherford

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