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Vega and Rigel were named by Arabic astronomers. Vega comes from the Arabic name "waqi" meaning "falling" or "landing place." Rigel is derived from "rijl al-jawzā" which means "the foot of the central one" in Arabic.

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Q: Who named the stars Vega and Rigel?
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What is the name of the person who named Vega and Rigel?

The person who named Vega and Rigel was the famous Persian astronomer Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi. Vega and Rigel are among the many stars he named in his "Book of Fixed Stars" in the 10th century.

Who named the stars vega and rigel and what do they mean?

Most of the names of stars are taken from Arabic. Vega came from a tansliteration of "Al Nesr al Waqi" meaning "the falling eagle". Waqi later transliterated to W(V)ega means "falling".Rigel came from the Arabic name Rijl Jauzah al Yusrā, "the left leg (foot) of Jauzah(Orion)". Rijl laer transliterated to Rigel means "leg, foot".

What is the different kind of stars?

vega,rigel,sirius,and betelgeuse are the most different kind of stars.

What does vega and rigel mean?

Vega and Rigel are the names of two prominent stars in the night sky. Vega is the brightest star in the constellation Lyra and is known for its bluish-white color. Rigel is the brightest star in the constellation Orion and is a supergiant star with a distinct blue hue.

What are Names of any 5 stars of galaxy?

Rigel, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Vega and Polaris

Is Vega Hotter the Rigel?

Yes, Vega is hotter than Rigel. Vega is a main sequence star with a surface temperature of around 9600 K, while Rigel is a supergiant star with a surface temperature of around 12,100 K.

Who named the bright stars Vega and Rigal?

The name "Vega" is derived from Arabic meaning "swooping eagle," while "Rigel" also comes from Arabic, meaning "foot" in reference to the star's position in the constellation Orion. These names were assigned by Arabic astronomers during the medieval period.

What are the names of the stars that are blue?

Some examples of blue stars include Rigel, Vega, and Sirius. Blue stars are typically hotter and more massive than other stars, giving them their distinct blue color.

Is Rigel the hottest star?

Rigel is hot by "normal" stars but it is not the hottest, this distinction goes to a star named Cygnus OB2-12. See related questions.

What are 8 conspicuous stars with magnitude of one or higher?

Aldeberan, Vega, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Altair, Arcturus, Sirius, Procyon, Capella, Spica, Antares, Deneb, Regulus, and the Sun are.

What are the name of stars?

Assuming you just need random examples: the Sun, Rigel, Betelgeux, Sirius, Castor, Pollux, Polaris, Saiph, Alnitak, Mizar, Deneb, Mintaka, Aldebaran, etc.

Is Rigel brighter or dimmer?

Rigel is one of the brightest stars in the sky.