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Bhav the god of flight named ursa minor because he thought it repersented a rat which he thought could fly.Ursa Minor means Smooth Flight.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

The constellation Ursa Minor was named by the ancient Greeks. It means "Little Bear" in Latin. The Greek astronomer Thales of Miletus is credited with the naming.

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Q: Who named the constellation the Ursa Minor?
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What constellation is named after polar bears?

Ursa Minor/Ursa Major, the star which you might be referring to is Polaris.

What type of star is ursa minor?

Ursa Minor is a constellation not a star

What constellation is associated with a bear?

Ursa major and Ursa minor.

What is the constellation of ursa major named after?

The constellation Ursa Major is named after its resemblance to a bear in Latin. "Ursa" means bear, and "Major" indicates that it is the larger of the two bear constellations in the sky, with the other being Ursa Minor (the Little Bear).

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The constellation Draco lies between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. It is a large constellation representing a dragon and is best observed in the northern hemisphere during the summer months.

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Polaris is the North Star and it is located in the constellation Ursa Minor.

Is the North Star in the Ursa Minor constellation?

Yes, it's the alpha-star in Ursa Minor.

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Leo minor isn't in a constellation, it is a constellation. Leo minor lies between Ursa Major and Leo. It is bordered by Ursa Major, Lynx, Cancer, and Leo.

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The Little Dipper is part of the Ursa Minor constellation. It is also known as the Little Bear, while Ursa Major is the Big Bear constellation.

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Polaris is located in the Ursa Minor constellation.

In what constellation does polaris belong?

Polaris is part of the constellation Ursa Minor.