The moon beloved by Zeus and hated by Hera is Io. In Greek mythology, Zeus fell in love with the mortal woman Io and transformed her into a heifer to protect her from Hera's jealously. Hera, discovering Zeus's deception, sent a gadfly to torment Io, causing her to wander the Earth in distress.
The mortal son of Apollo is Asclepius, who was a legendary healer and became the god of medicine in Greek mythology.
No, Io was not a mortal. In Greek mythology, she was a priestess of Hera who was turned into a cow by Zeus to protect her from Hera's jealousy. Io was later transformed back into human form and became a goddess.
The only god in Greek mythology to have a mortal parent is Dionysus. His mother, Semele, was a mortal woman and his father was Zeus, the king of the gods. Dionysus is the god of wine, fertility, and ritual madness.
In Greek mythology, Apollo is considered a god and is the son of Zeus and Leto. While Apollo is associated with healing, music, poetry, and the sun, he is not considered mortal in mythology.
Xena Warrior Princess - 1995 Mortal Beloved 1-16 was released on: USA: 12 February 1996 Finland: 18 February 1998
Xena Warrior Princess - 1995 Mortal Beloved 1-16 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Chile:TE Finland:K-11 (Season 1 DVD) Germany:12 (season 1) Singapore:PG Spain:13
"More beloved" is the comparative form for "beloved."Specifically, the positive form is "beloved." The comparative form is "more beloved." The superlative form is "most beloved."
The moon beloved by Zeus and hated by Hera is Io. In Greek mythology, Zeus fell in love with the mortal woman Io and transformed her into a heifer to protect her from Hera's jealously. Hera, discovering Zeus's deception, sent a gadfly to torment Io, causing her to wander the Earth in distress.
no mortal kombat deadly alliance
Psyche. Aphrodite was jealous of Psyche's beauty, and had Eros make her fall in love with a monster with his arrows, but when Eros reached in to get a closer look at Psyche, he pierced himself with one of his arrows. They had a child, Hedone.
mortal kombat and mortal kombat Annihilation
Immortal is the antonym of mortal.
He was mortal.
he was mortal
The three mortal instruments are the mortal cup, sword, and mirror.