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Q: Who is the artist uses light itself as the main material and whose work increases our awareness of light as a presence in the world?
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Which artist uses light itself as the main material and whose work increases your awareness of light as a presence in the world?

James Turrell is an artist known for using light as the main material in his work. His pieces often involve using light to create immersive experiences that enhance one's awareness of light as a tangible presence in the environment.

Which comes first the artist's imaginary or the material?

The material comes first because it is not a person who made it. The artist is only a person that uses the material for art.

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Bobdeep singh

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that depends, is the music good?

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Why was Keith haring considered an important artist?

Keith Haring was considered an important artist because with his art, he was able to raise awareness to AIDS related young adults and he raised a lot of money for Kids programs and AIDS foundations. :D

What is Andy Goldsworthy famous for?

He is a natural artist. He uses nature as his material.

My vase is broken,can a duplicate be made based on a picture?

Yes but you will need an artist that works with the material it is made from.

What does the word media mean in art?

the substance in which pigments are mixed before painting, the material in which an artist works

Promotional material is designed to?

Promotional material, such as fliers, advertisements, samples, and collectible "schwag" are designed to raise the visibility and opinions of a product, franchise, or artist in the mind of the puclic.