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The First men to reach both Poles on foot, were Charlie Burton and Ranulph Fiennes as part of the Transglobe expedition of 1979/82.

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The first person to reach the North Pole is widely believed to be Robert Peary in 1909. The first person to reach the South Pole is Roald Amundsen in 1911.

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Q: Who is first person to stand on north and south pole?
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How many degrees of altitude are between the North and South pole?

When you stand at the North Pole, you stand on the ice frozen over the Arctic Ocean -- sea level. When you stand at the South Pole, you stand on the continent of Antarctica and about 9,000 feet of ice.

Can the southern hemisphere people see the pole star Why?

The elevation of Polaris (the North Star) above the Northern horizon is almostequal to the North latitude of the place where you are when you see it.That means that when you stand on the Equator, the North Star is exactlyON the Northern horizon, and if you stand anywhere South of the Equator,the North Star is always BELOW the horizon.But . . .Everybody in the Southern hemisphere CAN see the SOUTH pole of the sky,which nobody in the Northern hemisphere can ever see.Sadly, there's no bright star anywhere near the South pole of the sky,to mark it the way Polaris marks the sky's North pole for us.

When did the first American stand on the moon?

Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon at 10:56pm EDT on the night of July 20, 1969.

From what location on Earth is the The celestial equator not visible?

The celestial equator is not visible from the North or South Poles because it lies parallel to Earth's equator. At these extreme latitudes, the celestial equator is located at the horizon, making it impossible to see from those locations.

When will your shadow be the shortest?

The shortness of your shadow depends both where you are on Earth you are and when you are there.If you stand on the Earth between the Tropics of Cancer (North Tropic ) at 23°26′13.9″ N and Capricorn (South Tropic) at 23°26′13.9″ S at noon your shadow will be directly overhead at some time of the year and will be as small as it can be. The date will range between the Summer Solstice (North), the equinoxes (equator) and the Winter Solstice (south). North or south of the two Tropics your shadow will be shortest at noon on the solstices.

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If you stand facing north where is south?

Directly behind you.

How many degrees of altitude are between the North and South pole?

When you stand at the North Pole, you stand on the ice frozen over the Arctic Ocean -- sea level. When you stand at the South Pole, you stand on the continent of Antarctica and about 9,000 feet of ice.

If you stand on the north pole what is the only way you can go?

If you stand on the North Pole, the only way you can go is south. At the North Pole, every direction you face is south.

What did the union stand for?

The union stood for the north and the confederate stood for the south.

What are the altitudes of the North Pole and the South Pole?

When you stand at the North Pole, you're standing on Arctic sea ice -- sea level. When you stand at the South Pole, you're standing on about 9,000 feet -- 2,700 meters -- of ice.

What is the farthes possible distance from the equator in therms of degree?

The farthest you can get from the equator is to stand on the north pole or the south pole.The north pole is at 90 degrees north latitude. The south pole is at 90 degrees south latitude.

Where does the sun set north east south or west?

If you stand at the South Pole, you see the sun set in the North. If you stand at the North Pole, you see the sun set in the South. If you stand anywhere else on Earth, you see the sun set in the West. To see the sun set in the East, you have to be off-planet, or travel very quickly from East to West. West

Where do north Vietnam and south Vietnam stand relationship wise?

There IS no North and South Vietnam, only Vietnam. After the US withdrew combat forces from South Vietnam, North Vietnam violated the peace agreement, invaded and conquered South Vietnam. Game over.

What are the four stands called at Old Trafford?

Stretford End (west), the United Road Stand (North) , Main stand ( South) and The away stand (east).

Which direction does the south pole face?

The south Pole is most southern point on the earth. If you stand there, then any direction you can face is north.

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