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Q: Who invented the first wind instruments?
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When were wind turbines invented?

The first wind turbine was invented in 1888. The fellow who invented it was Charles F. Brush.

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The Incas invented many wind and percussion instruments. The flute was a popular instrument.

Is a guitar one of the most used instruments in the world?

Yes it was one of the first instruments to be invented!

What was the first music instrument?

There is a legend about this but, this is pure fancy.According to the greek myth,,pan invented the first mucial instrument-the shepherd's pipe.One day he sighed through the reeds on a river bank and heard his breath produce a mournful wail as it passed through them.He broke the reeds off in unequal lengths,bound them together,and had the first musical instrument! The legend of pan and the reeds suggests,however,how man first had the idea for making variovs musical instruments.The first instruments were of the drum type.Lather,man invented wind instruments,made from the horn of animals.From those crude wind instruments developed modern brass instruments.Last of all,man discovered the use of strings and invented the simple lyre and harp from which developed the instruments played with a bow.

What are the native wind instruments with meaning and picture?

Native Wind Instruments

What instruments were invented during 170-1914?

Most of the musical instruments used in a modern orchestra were invented between AD 170 and AD 1914. All the surgical instruments used before the first world war. No electronic instruments.

Who invented the first wind turbine?

The inventor of the wind turbine was Charles F. Brush in 1888.

What are all the wind instruments called?

If you're talking about meterology and the weather, the instrument that measures the wind is called an Anemometer. However, in terms of musical instruments, they are plainly refered to as the Wind Instruments, but can be further divided into two groups, the Brass Instruments and the Woodwind Instruments.

What was one of the instruments Da Vinci invented to measure wind?

He didn't invent it, but did draw things out. Never made one of the things he thought about.

Who invented the first wind terbine?

Nobody "invented" wind. It is a feature of the planet; it's always been here.

Who invented the first wind up clock?

Peter Henlein, a German locksmith and clockmaker, is credited with inventing the first portable spring-driven clock in the 16th century, which is considered one of the first types of wind-up clocks.