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Scientist Hermann Oberth in 1923. He was considered to be one of the fathers of rocket science.

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The idea of creating the International Space Station (ISS) was first proposed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. However, it was not until 1998 that construction began, with collaboration from 15 different countries.

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Who was the first Canadian to become a long duration occupant of the iss?

Bob Thirsk was the first canadian long duration astronaut to be stationed aboard the iss

What do you do in ISS for the first time?

You behave and get all your work done. :)

How do you pronounce Issachar from the Bible?

Start by dividing the word up into : "Iss-a-char"Then, :-pronounce 'Iss' as in "Miss' but without the M as in '[M]iss'- 'a' as in the 'u' in 'but'-'char' as if it is spelt 'car' but pronounce it with a gutteral 'c' as in 'kar'Last but not least, put the stress on the first syllable ie on 'Iss'

When did the iss take off from earth?

The International Space Station (ISS) was not launched from Earth in one single event. It was assembled in space over multiple launches beginning in 1998. The first module of the ISS, the Zarya module, was launched on November 20, 1998.

Who owns the iss?

The ISS is owned by multiple space agencies representing countries involved in its construction and operation, including NASA (United States), Roscosmos (Russia), ESA (Europe), JAXA (Japan), and CSA (Canada). Each partner has contributed different modules and equipment to the station.

How long is iss?

The ISS is as big as a football field

How long is the ISS?

The International Space Station (ISS) is approximately 357 feet (109 meters) long. It is made up of multiple interconnected modules that house living quarters, laboratories, and other facilities for astronauts to conduct research and experiments in space.

What examples of technology are there on board the iss?

its because its the ISS

What does the iss do?

The International Space Station (ISS) is a habitable satellite that orbits Earth and serves as a research laboratory. It allows astronauts to conduct experiments in various scientific fields such as biology, physics, astronomy, and Earth sciences in the unique environment of microgravity. It also serves as a platform for international cooperation in space exploration.

What year will the ISS be completed?

The International Space Station (ISS) was declared completed in 2011, but new modules and upgrades are continuously being added to enhance its capabilities.

When was the ISS completed?

The International Space Station (ISS) was completed in 2011. This marked the assembly phase being finished, although it continues to undergo maintenance and upgrades since then.

When was ISS EarthKAM created?

ISS EarthKAM was created in 1996.