

Who fast does the space shuttle go?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Please research before asking questions om Just doing a simple Google search returned 100,000s of results, and a quick search on returned 20 or so that gave me the answer right away. The shuttle flies somewhere around 18,000 miles per hour, or Mach 25.

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Q: Who fast does the space shuttle go?
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How fast does the space shuttle go mph?


Why must the space shuttle go so fast?

The space shuttle needs to go fast in order to reach orbit around the Earth. By going fast, the shuttle can overcome the gravitational pull of the Earth and enter into a stable orbit where it remains in space. This speed is necessary to counteract the pull of gravity and maintain a continuous state of freefall around the Earth.

How fast the space shuttle go at top speed?

It can go at bannanas

How fast can a space ship go?

The speed of a spaceship can vary depending on its design and propulsion system. Some spacecraft, like the New Horizons probe, have reached speeds of over 36,000 miles per hour, while others, like the Parker Solar Probe, are expected to reach speeds of over 430,000 miles per hour. Ultimately, the speed of a spaceship is limited by the laws of physics.

How fast does a space shuttle go when it takes off?

A space shuttle can reach speeds of up to 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 kilometers per hour) during takeoff. This allows it to break free from Earth's gravity and enter into orbit around the planet.

How fast can a space shuttle go?

A space shuttle can reach speeds of up to 17,500 miles per hour (28,164 kilometers per hour) when in orbit around the Earth. This velocity allows the shuttle to overcome the gravitational pull of the Earth and remain in a stable orbit around the planet.

How fast at take off does a space shuttle go?

During liftoff, a space shuttle travels at a speed of about 17,500 mph (28,000 km/h). This speed allows it to overcome Earth's gravity and reach orbit around the planet. The intense acceleration and velocity are necessary for a successful journey to space.

How fast does a space shuttle go when it comes back to earth?

A space shuttle re-enters Earth's atmosphere at around 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 kilometers per hour). During descent, it sheds speed and eventually lands at a speed of about 200-300 miles per hour (320-480 kilometers per hour).

How fast does the space shuttle go at top speed?

17,000 mph

How fast does a space shuttle have to go to stay in orbit?

A space shuttle in low Earth orbit travels at a speed of around 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 kilometers per hour) in order to balance the force of gravity pulling it back towards Earth with the centrifugal force of its forward motion, allowing it to stay in orbit.

How fast does a space shuttle go in mph when it is in space?

At least 17,500 MPH which is the speed required to stay in orbit.

How fast does in Miles per hour does the space shuttle go?

The Space Shuttle traveled at speeds of up to 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 km/h) in low Earth orbit.