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Q: Which word would be known as a colossus?
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Who invented the word colossus?

The ancient greeks were the first. From Latin colossus, from Ancient Greek κολοσσός (kolossos, "large statue, especially the colossus of Rhodes").

Which of these would be known as a colossus a skyscraper a baby or a pen?

A skyscraper is clearly the most colossal of those 3 items.

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What is another word for behemoth?

Colossus, giant, Goliath, monster

Is Colossus in Greece?

The statue of Helios known as the "Colossus of Rhodes" was erected in the city of Rhodes, Greece in 280 BCE. It snapped at the knees and fell during an earthquake in 226 BCE.It was ordered to be rebuilt, but workers refused to follow through with the project in fear that it would anger Helios.

How do beat a colossus with no hair on 'Shadow of Colossus'?

It depends what number colossus it is

The word colossal comes from which language?

The word colossal comes from the Latin word "colossus," which means "gigantic" or "huge."

Who invented the machine known as Colossus?

The computer known as Colossus was designed by Tommy Flowers, and built by a branch of the British Government- the Post Office Research Station. This was used during WW 2 as a code breaking computer.

Where was colossus built?

colossus was bulit in rhodes