Just after sunset, the wind typically dies down as the temperature cools. If there is any wind, the flag will likely hang limply or flutter gently in the fading light.
An off-shore wind would blow smoke towards the sea.
Mean sea level (MSL) which is the average level of the sea. Determinig "sea level" is a very complex measurement. All other altitude measurements in aviation, in one way or another, are referenced from the mean sea level.
They will blow in opposite directions.
they blow from the sea and then out to land
Land breezes blow across the sea, from the land to the sea. If you don't know that yet, then explaining the rest to you would be useless
You can blow gently with a straw to blow bubbles in your sea monkey tank.
I think the sea waves blow them across the sea floor
Impossible to answer
Narwhal .
That would be a Whale.
Generally they blow from the southeast. Sometimes they blow in from the northeast.
No sea otters do not have a blow hole. Sea otters can hold their breath for up to five minutes while under water but they hunt in short dives that only last about a minute.