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The solid rocket booster or SRB's as they are known. They pack a right punch I can tell thee!

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Q: Which rocket on the space shuttle are most powerful?
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What is the most powerful rocket?

The Falcon Heavy, developed by SpaceX, is currently one of the most powerful rockets in operation. It has the ability to carry heavy payloads to a variety of orbits, making it suitable for a wide range of missions.

What are the two most common ways that a satellite is launched into orbit?

Riding on a rocket and riding in the cargo bay of a space shuttle

Most powerful engine in cars and vehicles?

Most powerful production car, Buggatti Veyron, most powerful vehicle, Saturn V, the space shuttle

What are the major parts - or components - of the space shuttle?

the external tank, solid rocket boosters, and the orbiter, which most people refer to as the shuttle. The shuttle is the whole thing, when all three are together at one.

What force acts on a space shuttle when it accelerates?

Presumably the most important force on an accelerating space shuttle is the force of the rocket engines (thrusters). Certainly other forces are present, including gravity and air friction.

Most famous space shuttle?

The most famous space shuttle is the Space Shuttle Challenger, mainly because of the tragic disaster that occurred in 1986 when it exploded shortly after liftoff, resulting in the loss of all seven crew members on board. The Challenger disaster had a profound impact on the space program and led to a reassessment of NASA's safety protocols.

Which is the shuttle Sent to space mOST times?

The space shuttle Discovery has flown the most times of all the space shuttle orbiters.

How does a space shuttle reach in space?

Using thousands of pounds of rocket fluid. Most of the rocket fuel is used in take off, because of air resistance caused by the Earths atmosphere. There is no air resistance in space so once an object gets move, it'll stay moving.

What was used to make the space shuttle?

I believe it needed 2,000,000 parts and was called the most complicated machine ever made. The materials of course are too numerous to list. The space shuttle has 4 major parts. The solid rocket boosters (there are 2 of them), the external fuel tank, and the

What is the worlds most famous rocket?

The world's most famous rocket is the Saturn V, which was used by NASA in the Apollo program to send astronauts to the Moon. It is known for its large size and power, and for its role in the historic Apollo 11 mission that first landed humans on the Moon in 1969.

Why does the space shuttle need rocket thrusters when its orbiting the exosphere?

Firstly, the lower boundary of the exosphere is 600km so the Space shuttle would have no need to be orbiting in the exosphere. Most of the time the space shuttle missions are to the ISS which orbits at a height of 370km. This is in the Thermosphere (approx 100km - 600km). The purpose of its thrusters are to aid in takeoff, docking with satellites, and reducing its speed to begin re-entry into earth's atmosphere.

What country has the most powerful missile?

Powerful is a matter of opinion. The term missile, does not related to the warhead, so potentially the US still has the Saturn V rocket which would be the most powerful missile/rocket.