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nucleur fusion

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Q: Which process produces the energy radiated by the star when it become a main sequence star?
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Gene expression is the process by which inheritable information from a gene, such as the DNA sequence, is made into a functional gene product, such as protein or RNA.

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When the Sun moves off the main sequence it will next become a?

It will become a red giant.

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When a lead acid battery produces electricity, both electrodes become coated with lead sulfate. This is a result of the chemical reaction that occurs during the discharge process. Recharging the battery converts the lead sulfate back into lead dioxide and metallic lead.

When RNA becomes protein the process is called?

RNA does not become protein. Messenger RNA transcribes the DNA code and carries it to a ribosome where it is translated by transfer RNA into a sequence of amino acids that will make a protein. The entire process is called protein synthesis.

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The process that produces precipitation in warm clouds is called coalescence. This occurs when water droplets collide and combine to form larger droplets. Once these droplets become heavy enough, they fall as precipitation.

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Naturalization is the process how aliens become citizen

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If a step was missed or the sequence got out of order, the process could become inefficient, inaccurate, or incomplete. This could lead to errors, wasted resources, and delays in achieving the intended outcome. It's important to follow procedures accurately to ensure successful results.

When a star is fully formed which type of star does it become?

A Main Sequence star.

What will be the sun be white dwarf or a main-sequence star?

Right now the sun is a main sequence star. When it uses up the hydrogen in its core it will become a red giant then shed its outer layers to become a white dwarf.