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A universe is a area in space that contains many galaxies and a galaxy is a group of stars of 100 billion or more. Finally a solar system is a sun/star that has an orbit (gravitational pull) and has planets or other matter orbiting it.

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8y ago

A galaxy is a vast, gravitationally bound collection of billions of stars and their associated "friends."

Their "friends" include nebulae, stellar remnants, planets and a whole host of other smaller particles including the basic elements hydrogen and helium. Galaxies also consist of an important but poorly understood substance called dark matter. It is believed to surround every galaxy and accounts for much of its mass.

Galaxies vary in size and shape. They range from dwarfs that may only consist of a few million stars to giants that can have trillions of them, all orbiting a center of mass. Galaxies are categorized based on their apparent shapes. Elliptical galaxies are bright, featureless spheroids consisting mostly of old, low-mass stars. Spiral galaxies are disk shaped and have a variety of stars, and irregular galaxies are a catch-all for those with no distinct shape.

Many galaxies, including the Milky Way, orbit around what is to believed to be a supermassive black hole--smaller than a pinhead but with the mass of millions or billions of Suns. The supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy flattens it into a disk with a depth of a few light years, whereas the diameter is about 100,000 light years.

It is estimated that there are between 100-300 billiongalaxies in the observable Universe!

  1. A galaxy is system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.
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15y ago

Milky Way: The galaxy which encompasses our Sun and solar system. In the `Great Debate' it usually referred to the band of light that runs across the sky and contains most of the visible stars. Today this term is synonymous with the whole of our Galaxy.

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14y ago

The earth is a member of all of those.

The earth is one of the bodies associated with the sun. The "solar system" is the name we use

to describe everything associated with the sun.

The sun is one of an estimated 400 billion stars in this galaxy.

This galaxy is one of an estimated several billion galaxies in the universe.

The "universe" is the name we use to describe: everything

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13y ago

There isn't one. really.

If there is a difference, you could say that the Milky Way is the milky band of light as seen from Earth, whereas the Milky Way Galaxy is the whole galaxy, which includes those bit's we cannot see from Earth.

Best to just accept they are one and the same.

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14y ago

A galaxy is, by definition, any large collection of stars that can be recognized as a distinct physical entity. In terms of the number of stars, a small 'dwarf irregular' galaxy like the Small Magellanic Cloud, has about one billion stars in it, but there are even smaller systems that are recognized as galaxies such as the Leo I and II dwarf galaxies with about 1 million stars in them, and the Draco System with a few hundred thousand stars in it. The largest star cluster, a globular cluster called Messier 15 has about 6 million stars, so we see that for small galaxies, there is a blurring together of what we mean by a galaxy and a large star cluster. In addition to their mass and numbers of stars, a galaxy is a collection of stars and gas which move through the universe independently of the Milky Way. Globular clusters are roundish swarms of stars that orbit the Milky Way, while the Leo and Draco Systems seem to be independent collections of stars.

Many galaxies also continue to form new generations of stars. The Milky Way, and all spiral shaped galaxies like it, produce new stars at a rate of one or two stars per year. These stars are formed in the vast interstellar clouds that account for about 1 to 10 percent of the mass of these galaxies. Globular star clusters, on the other hand, are not currently forming stars because this activity happened billions of years ago and then stopped once all of the gas and dust clouds were used up.

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11y ago

No. The Universe is something quite different - and much bigger than a solar system, or even a galaxy.

No. The Universe is something quite different - and much bigger than a solar system, or even a galaxy.

No. The Universe is something quite different - and much bigger than a solar system, or even a galaxy.

No. The Universe is something quite different - and much bigger than a solar system, or even a galaxy.

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16y ago

Space contains multiple Universe which shrinks and expands. Means that Space has multiple BigBang and Universes. (This point of view is based on Scientist's theory on Universe). (Subramanian, J.R.)

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13y ago

No, there isn't.

The milky way is the name given to the band of stars we see due to the flattened disk-like characteristic shape of our galaxy. We can call our galaxy the milky way galaxy.

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8y ago

A solar system is a star with planets going around. Like our sun (which is a star) and all of its planets. A solar system is the smallest of your three. A galaxy is a group (millions) of stars, each of which may or may not have planets. The universe is everything, which includes hundreds of thousands of galaxies and other stuff too. Since it is everything it is the largest.

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What is a dwarf galaxy?

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What is the third closest galaxy to the Milky Way?

The Large Magellanic Cloud is the third closest Galaxy to the Milky Way, after the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy.

What type of galaxy is the Carina galaxy?

The Carina Dwarf Spheroidal is a dwarf galaxy in the Carina constellation.

What is the Sagittarius dwarf?

There are two galaxies refereed to as the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy.Sagittarius dwarf Elliptically galaxy: is an elliptical loop shaped satellite galaxy of the Milky Way Galaxy.Sagittarius dwarf Irregular Galaxy: Lies about 3.4 million light-years away and is not within the Milky Way Galaxy.

What is the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy?

There are two galaxies refereed to as the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy.Sagittarius dwarf Elliptically galaxy: is an elliptical loop shaped satellite galaxy of the Milky Way Galaxy.Sagittarius dwarf Irregular Galaxy: Lies about 3.4 million light-years away and is not within the Milky Way Galaxy.

What is name of the nearest galaxy to the milky way?

The nearest non-dwarf galaxy is the Andromeda galaxy.

Is Pluto a dwarf planet in the milky way galaxy?

Yes, Pluto is a dwarf planet in our solar system, and our solar system is contained within the Milky Way Galaxy.

Which is the nearest Galaxy to Milky way?

The second nearest is the Saggitarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy.

Why is the canis major dwarf galaxy colliding with the milky way galaxy?

The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy is not colliding with the Milky Way Galaxy. It is located about 25,000 light-years away from the Milky Way and is in a stable orbit around our galaxy. However, interactions between the two galaxies may be affecting each other gravitationally.

What are two other nown galaxy's?

Here are some galaxies (all of them part of the Local Group): The Milky Way, our own galaxy The Andromeda Galaxy, another large galaxy The Triangulum Galaxy, another large galaxy The Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy close to the Milky Way The Small Magellanic Cloud, another dwarf galaxy close to the Milky Way

Which is the second nearest galaxy to milky-way?

The second nearest is the Saggitarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy.