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White reflects all other colors of light.

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Q: Which color reflects all the colors of light?
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What color reflects all of the colors of light?

White light reflects all colors of light, as it contains all the wavelengths of the visible spectrum.

What color reflects all color?

White reflects all colors because it contains all wavelengths of visible light. When white light strikes an object, it reflects back all colors equally, making it appear white to the human eye.

What color will reflect all colors?

The color that we see is not the color of the object in question, but the color of the light it reflects. This means that a "green object" absorbs all colors of the visible spectrum except for green light, which it reflects back to our eyes. White light is the combination of the entire visible spectrum combined. Thus a "white object" reflects all colors of light. On the opposite side of this question, a "black object" absorbs all colors of light, because "black" is the absence of color.

Why are colors colorful?

colors are colorful because light hits them and reflects color. White, though, is no color. Black is all color.

What colors does white paper reflect?

White light is made up of all the colors. If a paper is white, it is reflecting all the colors of light. We know that the color of an object is determined by the color(s) of light it reflects. If an object is green, for example, it reflects green light and absorbs all other colors.

Do objects absorb all colors of light except for the color that it appears to be?

No, objects absorb some colors of light and reflect others. The color that an object appears to be is the color of light that it reflects. For example, a red apple looks red because it absorbs all colors of light except for red, which it reflects.

If you absorb all the colors what color would you get?

If an object absorbs all the colors in white light, it reflects black.

What color will an object under white light appear to be if it reflects all the colors of light?

The object will appear white because it reflects all colors of light equally, resulting in a white appearance.

What is the color that makes all colors absorbed?

Black is the color that absorbs all colors, as it absorbs all wavelengths of light and reflects none.

Color of an opaque object is the color of light it?

Reflects, other wavelengths (colours) are absorbed.

What color light does a yellow shirt reflect?

A yellow shirt reflects yellow light because it absorbs all other colors in the light spectrum and reflects yellow wavelengths.

What color is an object when it reflects blue?

Assuming that the light you are shining on the object is white, then the object is also blue. Objects appear a certain color because they reflect that color to our eyes and the rest of the colors in the light are absorbed by the object.