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Apollo 1 resulted in three astronauts's deaths .When the three astronauts came in the

space craft the pressure in the cabin was 16 PSI {pounds of pressure per square inch}

and the outside pressure was 14 PSI.And ,unfortunately the astronauts had an

inward opening hatch which didn't have a handlers was used to keep water out of the module when it splashed down.An electrical problem happened and at 16 PSI

every thing burns aluminum wire sealing control pads ...... The astronauts were doomed.

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Q: Which apollo mission resulted of three astronauts death?
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Which Gemini mission resulted in the death of astronauts?

The Gemini mission that resulted in the death of astronauts was Gemini 9A. The prime crew for this mission, Elliot See and Charles Bassett, died in a plane crash en route to inspect their spacecraft. Their backup crew, Thomas Stafford and Eugene Cernan, took over the mission.

How many deaths were associated with Apollo 13?

There were no deaths associated with the Apollo 13 mission. Despite a critical explosion on board, all three astronauts, James Lovell, John Swigert, and Fred Haise, managed to safely return to Earth. The mission is often remembered for the successful rescue and teamwork involved in bringing the astronauts home.

Why does it jump from Apollo 1 to Apollo 7?

After the Apollo 1 fire that resulted in the death of three astronauts, NASA decided to skip the mission designation Apollo 2 to Apollo 6 to honor the crew. The next manned mission after the tragedy was Apollo 7.

What Apollo exploded during liftoff?

The Apollo program saw a tragic incident during the Apollo 1 mission, where a cabin fire broke out during a pre-launch test on January 27, 1967, leading to the death of all three crew members, Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger B. Chaffee. This tragic event resulted in significant changes to the mission's design and safety protocols to prevent similar accidents in the future.

Apollo 18 monster?

The "monster" in the movie Apollo 18 is a rock-like alien creature that is discovered by the astronauts on the moon. It attaches itself to one of the astronauts and causes mayhem aboard the spacecraft. The creature is shown to be highly aggressive and mysterious, ultimately leading to the downfall of the mission.

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Which Gemini mission resulted in the death of astronauts?

The Gemini mission that resulted in the death of astronauts was Gemini 9A. The prime crew for this mission, Elliot See and Charles Bassett, died in a plane crash en route to inspect their spacecraft. Their backup crew, Thomas Stafford and Eugene Cernan, took over the mission.

How many deaths were associated with Apollo 13?

There were no deaths associated with the Apollo 13 mission. Despite a critical explosion on board, all three astronauts, James Lovell, John Swigert, and Fred Haise, managed to safely return to Earth. The mission is often remembered for the successful rescue and teamwork involved in bringing the astronauts home.

What was important about Apollo 1?

There was no Apollo 1 , only three astronauts got burnt to death, but I do not think it was a numbered as Apollo 1.

Why does it jump from Apollo 1 to Apollo 7?

After the Apollo 1 fire that resulted in the death of three astronauts, NASA decided to skip the mission designation Apollo 2 to Apollo 6 to honor the crew. The next manned mission after the tragedy was Apollo 7.

What mission is the best known?

There are quite a few memorable missions,but the two that are mainly remembered are Apollo 11(the moon landing),and the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission that turned into a life and death rescue mission(as seen in the movie named "Apollo 13")

What Apollo exploded during liftoff?

The Apollo program saw a tragic incident during the Apollo 1 mission, where a cabin fire broke out during a pre-launch test on January 27, 1967, leading to the death of all three crew members, Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger B. Chaffee. This tragic event resulted in significant changes to the mission's design and safety protocols to prevent similar accidents in the future.

Apollo 18 monster?

The "monster" in the movie Apollo 18 is a rock-like alien creature that is discovered by the astronauts on the moon. It attaches itself to one of the astronauts and causes mayhem aboard the spacecraft. The creature is shown to be highly aggressive and mysterious, ultimately leading to the downfall of the mission.

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The deadliest poison used in the Apollo program was potassium cyanide. This poison was part of the astronauts' emergency escape kits in case they landed in a remote area and needed to commit suicide to avoid a prolonged and painful death.

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Project Apollo was the third human spaceflight program conducted by NASA, with the goal of landing astronauts on the Moon and returning them safely to Earth. It ran from 1961 to 1972 and culminated in 1969 when the Apollo 11 mission successfully achieved the first manned Moon landing. In total, there were 17 Apollo missions, with six of them landing astronauts on the lunar surface.

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