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You may be referring to Uranus. It doesn't really have a vertical ring. It's just that its axis is inclined to the plane of its orbit by almost 90 degrees. So it rotates top-to-bottom. So its ring is vertical.

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3mo ago

Uranus is the only planet in our solar system that has vertical rings. These rings are unique because they are tilted at a steep angle, almost perpendicular to the planet's orbit around the Sun.

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10y ago

The planet that has vertical rings is Uranus due to Uranus rotating vertically as opposed to horizontally like other planets.

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10y ago

The rings of Uranus appear to be vertical. This is because Uranus is tilted at 90 degrees, and rotates on its side.

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Jupiter has 4 known sets of rings. Neptune has five rings and Uranus has 13. Saturn has the most complex system, with about 7 sets of rings. No gas planet has only 3 rings.