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The sun is at the celestial equator, appearing to go Northwards at the vernal equinox and southwards at the autumnal equinox. The word equinox derives from the Latin roots for "equal" and "night" and so, not surprisingly, the night time is the same as day time: 12 hours each.

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7y ago

The sun is passing over the equator an an equinox, and the day length everywhere is 12 hours.

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Q: Where is the sun when there is a equinox and how is the day and night time compare at that time?
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Where is the sun when there is a equinox and how is the day and night time compare a that time?

At equinox, the Sun rises exactly in the East, and sets exactly in the West. Day and night have approximately (but not exactly) the same length.

What is the difference in time between day and night during an equinox?

In the Spring and Fall equinox, night and day have the same number of hours. Equi = equal.

What time of year are the earths day and night equal?


At what time of year are the earth's day and night equal?


What is the equinox of autumn?

Google it. Or read what I have wrote: An Autumnal equinox occurs on September 2. It is a day when the day time approximately equals night time.

What is it called when day time hours and night time hours are equal?

An Equinox.

What is the difinition of autumnal equinox?

Google it. Or read what I have wrote: An Autumnal equinox occurs on September 2. It is a day when the day time approximately equals night time.

What is the term for the time when day and night are of equal duration in each hemisphere?

It is a spring equinox

What is length of the day in a autumnal equinox?

During the Autumn equinox the length of the day and night are nearly equal. The length of the day on the equinox is approximately twelve hours.

What happens to the day and night on an equinox?

day and night are same

When day and night are equall?

Autumn equinox and spring equinox I believe...

Are day and night equal really equal on the equinox?

Yes, during an equinox the length of the day and the length of the night are actually the same.