Mae Jemison lives in Houston, Texas.
Mae Jemison lives on her own.
Mae Jemison resides in Houston, Texas.
Mae Jemison's full name is Mae Carol Jemison.
As of 2021, Mae Jemison is 65 years old. She was born on October 17, 1956.
Mae Jemison lives in Houston, Texas.
Mae Jemison lives on her own.
Mae Jemison resides in Houston, Texas.
Nope, Mae Jemison is still alive and kicking. She's out there, probably doing cool astronaut stuff and inspiring the next generation. So, rest assured, she's not pushing up daisies just yet.
Mae Jemison's full name is Mae Carol Jemison.
She lives in Chicago again, Oh and if your wondering what she's doing now, Mae is a professor at Cornell University.
As of 2021, Mae Jemison is 65 years old. She was born on October 17, 1956.
Mae Jemison is the main character of The Voyage Of Mae Jemison .
Mae Jemison's full name is Mae Carol Jemison.
Mae Jemison was an astronaut.
Mae Jemison is not married.
In her family Mae Jemison is the youngest.