

Where did the LM land on the moon?

Updated: 6/28/2024
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โˆ™ 13y ago

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The lunar module eagle landed on the base called Tran quality sea.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 1w ago

The LM (Lunar Module) landed on the moon's surface in the southwestern region of the Mare Tranquillitatis, also known as the Sea of Tranquility. The specific landing site was chosen for its relatively flat and smooth terrain to ensure a safe touchdown for the Apollo 11 mission.

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The Lunar Module, or LM

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They didn't land on the moon in a rocket. The Saturn V was the launch vehicle for the Apollo spacecraft, but the crew landed in a vehicle known as the Lunar Module (LM). Apollo 11's LM call sign was Eagle.

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The lunar module slowed down to land on the moon by firing its descent engine to counteract the pull of gravity and reduce its speed. This controlled burn allowed the module to descend gently and touch down safely on the lunar surface.

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A LM pilot is a Lunar Module pilot, responsible for operating and navigating the spacecraft used during the Apollo program to land astronauts on the moon. They worked alongside the spacecraft commander to control the spacecraft during descent and ascent from the lunar surface.

What did they use to land on the moon?

The Apollo missions used a Lunar Module (LM) for landing on the Moon. The LM was a two-stage spacecraft that separated from the Command Module in orbit, descended to the lunar surface, and later launched back to dock with the Command Module for the return journey to Earth.

What was the name of the spacecraft used to land the first humans on the moon?

The flight was Apollo 11. The LM (lunar module) was named "Eagle"; the command module was "Columbia".

How do you land safely on the moon?

To land safely on the moon, a spacecraft must reduce its speed and descend gently to the surface. This is typically done using rocket engines to slow down the descent and control the landing process. The spacecraft must also ensure that it lands on a flat and stable surface to prevent tipping over.

Why could the Apollo lander only land on the moon?

The Apollo lander was specifically designed to land on the moon due to its unique gravity, atmosphere, and surface conditions. The lander was optimized for the challenges presented by the moon's environment, including its lack of atmosphere and rough terrain. Additionally, the lander was equipped with specialized landing legs and thrusters to ensure a safe touchdown on the lunar surface.

Did Apollo land on the moon?

Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 did. Their Lunar Modules have all been photographed from space, in one case clearly enough to show the footpads of the LM!

How long was Apollo 17 on the moon?

Apollo 17 spent about 75 hours on the Moon's surface, with the two astronauts conducting three moonwalks totaling nearly 22 hours. The mission was the final manned lunar landing of NASA's Apollo program in December 1972.

How long was the Apollo 17 mission on the moon for?

The Apollo 17 LM was on the moon for a total time of 3 days, 2 hours, 59 minutes, and 40 seconds. The crew spent a total of 22:03:57 of that time outside the LM performing EVAs.

What ws the name of the first moon landing vehicle?

The name of the first moon landing vehicle was the "Lunar Module," also known as "LM."