She is alive.
Yes, Mae C. Jemison was married to a man named Chuck. They got married in 1983 and eventually divorced.
Mae Jemison's full name is Mae Carol Jemison.
Mae Jemison's full name is Mae Carol Jemison.
Mae Jemison is living in Houston, Texas!
She is alive.
Mae C. Jemison is still alive as of April of 2012.
Mae C. Jemison does not have a marrige because she never wanted to get married.
Mae C. Jemison contributed religion as a space pioneer
Mae C Jemison is still alive and still doesn't die.
Mae C. Jemison does not have a marrige because she never wanted to get married.
She studided chemistry
she is not marred in thats not how to spell not u said mot
her parents did
no not yet