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Apollo 10 splashdown occurred in the Pacific Ocean on May 26, 1969 at 16:52:23 UTC, approximately 400 nautical miles (740 km) east of American Samoa. The astronauts were recovered by the USS Princeton, and subsequently flown to Pago Pago International Airport in Tafuna for a greeting reception, before being flown to Honolulu.

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Q: Where did Apollo ten land when they came back to earth?
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When and where did Apollo 11 land when it came back to eath?

Apollo 11's command module, Columbia, landed in the Pacific Ocean on July 24, 1969. The recovery ship, the USS Hornet, was waiting to pick up the astronauts and the command module after splashdown.

Where did Apollo 11 land when it came back to earth?

The Apollo 11 landed in the Pacific ocean, and were later picked up by the aircraft carrier The Hornet, they then were sent into quarantine.

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Yes. In fact all Apollo missions returned safely to Earth.

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The main goals of the Apollo mission were to land humans on the moon, conduct scientific research, demonstrate American technological prowess during the space race with the Soviet Union, and pave the way for future exploration beyond Earth's orbit.

What was the purpose of the Apollo space program?

The main purpose of the Apollo space program was to land humans on the Moon and bring them back safely to Earth. It was part of the broader goal of the United States to demonstrate technological and scientific superiority during the Cold War space race with the Soviet Union.

What was the ambition of Apollo 11?

The plan was to land on the moon and then return safely back to earth.

What was the goal of the Apollo 11 mission?

The goal of the Apollo 11 mission was to successfully land astronauts on the Moon and return them safely to Earth. It aimed to achieve this milestone for human exploration, to demonstrate American technological prowess in the Space Race, and to collect valuable scientific data about the Moon.

What was the aim of Apollo 11?

The aim of Apollo 11 was to successfully land astronauts on the moon and return them safely to Earth. It was the first mission to achieve this goal, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin becoming the first humans to walk on the moon.

What Apollo mission came close to the moon?

The Apollo 8 and Apollo 10 came close to the moon but did not land on it.

What was apollo11?

Apollo 11 was a three man spacecraft to land on the moon and to return back to the earth.

How did Apollo 11 land back on earth?

Apollo 11 landed back on Earth on July 24, 1969, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean. The command module carrying the astronauts re-entered the Earth's atmosphere, deployed parachutes, and safely landed in the ocean where they were recovered by the USS Hornet.