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Where: It occurs in the Thermosphere.

Why: In the thermosphere, temperature increases steadily as altitude increases because nitrogen and oxygen atoms absorb solar radiation, and so in the ionosphere (the lower region of thermosphere at the altitude of 80 - 400 km) solar radiation that is absorbed by atmospheric gases causes the atoms of gas molecules to lose electrons and to produce ions and free electrons. Interaction between solar radiation and the ionosphere causes the phenomena known as auroras.

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2mo ago

Auroras occur in the Earth's atmosphere near the North and South Poles because of interactions between solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field. Solar wind particles get trapped by the magnetic field and are directed towards the poles, where they collide with gas particles in the atmosphere, producing the colorful light displays known as auroras.

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Q: Where and why do auroras occur in earth's atmosphere?
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What region of the atmosphere where auroras occur?

Auroras occur in the thermosphere, which is the region of the atmosphere located between the mesosphere and the exosphere. This is where charged particles from the sun interact with gases in the Earth's atmosphere, creating the colorful light displays known as auroras.

Which atmosphere do auroras occur in?

Ionosphere of Near northern hemisphere polar regions

Which layer of the atmosphere do Aurora form?

Auroras form in the thermosphere layer of Earth's atmosphere. This is the layer where the gases are ionized by interactions with solar radiation, allowing for the beautiful light displays of auroras to occur.

What does a planet need to have in order for auroras to take place?

A planet needs a magnetic field, an atmosphere, and solar wind to have auroras. Auroras occur when charged particles from the solar wind interact with a planet's magnetic field and atmosphere, creating beautiful displays of light in the sky.

How do Auroras develop?

Auroras occur in the mesospere.

What layer do Auroras occur in?

Auroras occur in the thermosphere, which is the second-highest layer of Earth's atmosphere. The thermosphere is located between the mesosphere and the exosphere, at an altitude ranging from about 80 km to 600 km above the Earth's surface.

Do Auroras occur in the ionosphere?

Yes, auroras occur in the ionosphere. They are caused by the interaction of charged particles from the sun with the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, creating a colorful display of light. The ionosphere, being part of the upper atmosphere, plays a key role in facilitating this phenomenon.

In which layer of atmosphere does most of earths weather occur?

the troposphere