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Tornadoes are most common on the central plains of the U.S. in late spring and early summer.

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2mo ago

The central United States, often referred to as Tornado Alley, is the most common place to see tornadoes. This region includes states like Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. Tornadoes can occur throughout the year, but they are most frequent in the spring and early summer months.

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Q: Where and when is the most common place to see a tornado?
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What time of day is dangerous for tornadoes?

A tornado can form at any time of day and all tornadoes are dangerous. However tornadoes are most common in the late afternoon and early evening and are most dangerous at night when they are difficult to see.

How could you predict a tornado was coming?

If you can see the tornado

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Can you see a video of a tornado?

Yes. There are hundreds of tornado videos on YouTube.

What to do if you hear a tornado?

It is safest to stay underground if you hear/see a tornado.

Where do you go when you see a tornado?

When you see a tornado, go into a secure building or if there are none near you, huddle in a nearby ditch.

What types of symbolism do you see on a weather map when a tornado is here?

On a weather map, a tornado is often symbolized by a rotating circle or triangle with a tail or hook shape, indicating the high winds and rotation associated with a tornado. Tornado symbols are usually colored in red to highlight the severe weather threat. Additionally, warning boxes or polygons may be used to outline the potential tornado path and affected areas.

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Most national parks have black bears. Do not feed them, however. They are still wild and dangerous animals.

Does insurance pay for tornado damage?

That most likely depends on your insurance policy, so it is advisable that you review your insurance polcy to see if tornado damage is covered. If not, insurance for tornadoes can be purchased.

Where is the most common place to see a white tailed deer?

Well, I live in Canada and I see quite abit of White Tailed Dear. But North America is known to be the most seen, from the state in the world of White Tailed Dear.

Is San Antonio in Tornado Alley?

Yes! San Antonio Texas is "at risk", but the last "Tornado Warning" for that area was in March of 2002. See the link below to see the map of Tornado Alley.

What type of warning systems are in place with tornadoes?

The most advanced tornado warning system belongs to the U.S. Doppler radar scans the wind an rain inside thunderstorms, which allows meteorologists to see if there is rotation in a storm which can produce a tornado. Weather spotters, firefighters, and police can report sightings of rotation in the clouds, funnel clouds, and tornadoes that touch down. If a tornado is spotted or is likely to form soon, then a tornado warning is issued. The warning will be broadcast over TV, radio, the internet, and smartphone apps. In some towns loud sirens will sound if a tornado warning is issued.