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Hubble Deep Field South was created in 1998.

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Q: When was Hubble Deep Field South created?
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When was Hubble Deep Field created?

Hubble Deep Field was created in 1995.

What has the Hubble telescope discovered?

The Hubble telescope has made numerous groundbreaking discoveries, including determining the rate of expansion of the universe, discovering new exoplanets, capturing images of distant galaxies, and providing evidence for the existence of dark matter.

What is the Hubble Deep Field and why is it significant?

The Hubble Deep Field is an image of a small region in the sky captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, showing thousands of galaxies in various stages of formation and evolution. It is significant because it provided insights into the early universe, helping scientists understand how galaxies formed and evolved over billions of years. This image revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos and paved the way for further deep space observations.

What does the Hubble telescope deep field image show?

The Hubble Deep Field image shows a small and seemingly empty region of space, but after a long exposure, it revealed thousands of galaxies of various shapes, sizes, and distances from Earth. This image helped scientists better understand the vastness and diversity of the universe and provided valuable insights into the early stages of galaxy formation.

What is hubble's law?

Hubble's law states that the farther away a galaxy is from us, the faster it is moving away. This relationship is described by the formula v = H0*d, where v is the velocity, d is the distance, and H0 is the Hubble constant. This law serves as evidence for the expanding universe.

Related questions

When was Hubble Deep Field created?

Hubble Deep Field was created in 1995.

When was Hubble Ultra-Deep Field created?

Hubble Ultra-Deep Field was created in 2004.

When was Chandra Deep Field South created?

Chandra Deep Field South was created in 2001.

How big is the Hubble deep field galaxies?

1 inch

How old is the Hubble deep field galaxies?

it is 1 mile long

What is the most distant galaxy the Hubble can detect?

The furthest Hubble as ever gazed into the universe is the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Search that in google and check it out.

When was The Deep Field created?

The Deep Field was created in 2010.

How many galaxies are in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field?

There are at least 3000 galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field North (with billions of stars, planets, and moons in each one; as well as asteroids and nebulae). Their light has taken 13 billion years to reach Earth.

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