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It is Winter in the northern hemisphere.

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Q: When the southern hemisphere is pointed toward the sun what season is it in the northern hemisphere?
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When the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun what season is it in Australia?

When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, the southern hemisphere (where Australia is found) is tilted away. This means the sun's rays hit at a much shallower angle. That is what causes winter.

What season is the constellation Lepus visible in?

The constellation Lepus is best visible in the winter season in the Southern Hemisphere and in the late autumn to early spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It can be seen prominently in the night sky during these seasons.

What season is the capricornus constellation best viewed?

The Capricornus constellation is best viewed during the summer months in the southern hemisphere and during the winter months in the northern hemisphere. It is typically visible in the early evening in late summer and early autumn in the northern hemisphere and late winter and early spring in the southern hemisphere.

In December which hemisphere receives more sunlight?

In December, the Southern Hemisphere receives more sunlight due to the tilt of Earth's axis. This results in longer days and shorter nights in southern regions, leading to warmer temperatures and summer season. Conversely, the Northern Hemisphere experiences shorter days and cooler temperatures in December, marking the winter season.

When Earth is closer to the Sun during the year what season is it?

When Earth is closer to the Sun, it is in winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere. The distance between Earth and the Sun (known as Earth's orbital distance) doesn't significantly affect the seasons; the tilt of Earth's axis is the primary factor that determines the seasons.

Related questions

What hemisphere of the earth experience opposite season?

The Northern and Southern Hemisphere

When it is summer in the southern hemisphere what season is it the northern hemishere?

When it is summer in the southern hemisphere, it is winter in the northern hemisphere.

What season is May in?

May is typically in the spring season in the northern hemisphere and in the autumn season in the southern hemisphere.

What is the season in southern hemisphere?

The southern hemisphere experiences opposite seasons from the northern hemisphere. For example, when it is winter in the northern hemisphere, it is summer in the southern hemisphere. So, the current season in the southern hemisphere depends on the time of year.

When the season in the Northern Hemisphere is autumn what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere?


Which season with the southern hemisphere be expecting when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere?

When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the southern hemisphere will be experiencing winter.

Is the season in the hemisphere hot or cold?

it depends on the hemisphere and what season. example: Northern hemisphere-(summer in the Southern) winter cold, Southern hemisphere-(winter in the Northern) summer hot

When its springtime in the northern hemisphere what season is it in the southern hemisphere?


If its fall in the southern hemisphere what season is it in the northern hemisphere?

It is spring.

If it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere then what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere?


What season is the Northern Hemisphere experiencing when the South Pole is pointed toward the Sun?

The Northern Hemisphere experiences winter when the South Pole is pointed toward the Sun.

When it is autum here what season is it in the northern hemisphere?

That depends on where you mean when you say "here". If it is anywhere in the northern hemisphere, then the answer is autumn. If it is somewhere in the southern hemisphere, then the answer is spring.