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The oxygen tank exploded two hours after takeoff. They could not fix it.

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The oxygen tank in Apollo 13 exploded on April 13, 1970, while the spacecraft was on its way to the moon. This explosion caused critical damage to the spacecraft and jeopardized the crew's safety.

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Q: When did the oxygen tank explode in Apollo 13?
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Did apollo 13 explode?

It exploded on April 13 at 9:08 p.m.

Why did Apollo eleven explode?

Apollo 11 did not explode. It successfully completed its mission to land the first humans on the moon in 1969.

Did Apollo 13 blew up?

No, Apollo 13 did not blow up. An oxygen tank exploded, causing significant damage to the spacecraft and prompting an emergency return to Earth, but the mission did not end in an explosion.

How did Apollo 13 explode?

Apollo 13 did not actually explode. A liquid oxygen tank experienced an explosion that damaged the spacecraft's service module, leading to a loss of oxygen and power. The crew had to abort their mission and use the lunar module as a lifeboat to return safely to Earth.

Did apollo 13 explode in space?

No, Apollo 13 did not "explode" in space, but an oxygen tank exploded, causing damage to the spacecraft that led to an emergency situation. The explosion occurred during the mission to the Moon, forcing the crew to abort their lunar landing and focus on safely returning to Earth.

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Oxygen tank

What was the crisis on Apollo 13?

An oxygen tank exploded in the spacecraft.

Can anything explode in space?

Sure, things can explode in space as long as there is an oxygen source as well as something that will combust. A good example is the explosion on Apollo 13. There was an explosion when a spark occurred in the electric motor that stirred an oxygen tank in the service module.

What important levels on the spacecraft are dropping in the movie Apollo 13?

oxygen tank

Where was Apollo 13 to?

Apollo 13 was a NASA mission intended to land on the Moon, but a malfunction caused an oxygen tank to explode, leading to an emergency return to Earth. The spacecraft orbited around the Moon but did not land, eventually making a successful splashdown in the South Pacific Ocean.

Cause for the oxygen tank to blow up on Apollo 13?

The oxygen tank on Apollo 13 exploded due to damaged wiring inside the tank, which caused a short circuit when the tank was stirred. This led to a fire and subsequent explosion that severely damaged the spacecraft.

What caused the master alarm to go off in Apollo 13?

The master alarm in Apollo 13 was triggered by the high oxygen tank pressure caused by a damaged Teflon insulation on the wires inside the tank. This led to a series of malfunctions and a subsequent explosion in the oxygen tank.