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The fuel cell oxygen tanks on the Apollo 13 spacecraft malfunctioned on April 13, 1970, during the mission to the Moon. This failure resulted in a critical situation that jeopardized the lives of the astronauts on board.

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Q: When did the Fuel cell oxygen tank in Apollo 13?
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What caused the oxygen tank on apollo 13 to expload?

The explosion on the Apollo 13 mission was caused by a chain of events that started with a damaged coil inside the liquid oxygen tank. This damaged coil led to a short circuit, igniting the highly pressurized and volatile oxygen inside the tank, resulting in the explosion.

When did the oxygen tank explode in Apollo 13?

The oxygen tank in Apollo 13 exploded on April 13, 1970, while the spacecraft was on its way to the moon. This explosion caused critical damage to the spacecraft and jeopardized the crew's safety.

What happend on the Apollo 13?

During the Apollo 13 mission in 1970, an oxygen tank exploded aboard the spacecraft, causing a critical failure in the systems. The crew had to shut down the command module and use the lunar module as a lifeboat to return safely to Earth. The mission was considered a "successful failure" as all astronauts returned home safely despite not landing on the moon.

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Oxygen tank

What was the crisis on Apollo 13?

An oxygen tank exploded in the spacecraft.

How is a water fuel cell made that replaces the gas tank on a car?

The water fuel cell is a single unit that works with the fuel pump. The water will conduction electricity into the water to produce oxygen and hydrogen. It does not replace the fuel pump but it is added to the side.

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oxygen tank

Cause for the oxygen tank to blow up on Apollo 13?

The oxygen tank on Apollo 13 exploded due to damaged wiring inside the tank, which caused a short circuit when the tank was stirred. This led to a fire and subsequent explosion that severely damaged the spacecraft.

Why did Apollo 13 have landing problems?

Apollo 13 experienced landing problems due to an explosion in one of its oxygen tanks, which severely damaged the spacecraft's systems. This led to a loss of power, heat, and water, creating a life-threatening situation for the astronauts. As a result, the mission had to be aborted, and the focus shifted to ensuring the safe return of the crew back to Earth.

Why did Apollo eleven explode?

Apollo 11 did not explode. It successfully completed its mission to land the first humans on the moon in 1969.

What exploded on day 3 of the mission Apollo 13?

An oxygen tank in the command module.

What was the first problem with Apollo 13?

The oxygen tank exploded two days after launch