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2mo ago

When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground, it forms a stratus cloud called fog. Fog is a type of low-lying cloud that reduces visibility at the Earth's surface.

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Q: When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it is forms stratus cloud called?
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What is a stratus cloud called when air is cooled to the dew point near the ground?


When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms stratus cloud called?


When air cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms a stratus cloud called what?


When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms a stratus cloud called what?

When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground, it forms a stratus cloud called fog. In foggy conditions, visibility is significantly reduced due to the water droplets suspended in the air near the surface.

When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it forms a stratus cloud called?

The moisture in the air condenses and forms fog.

A stratus cloud that forms when air is cooled to its dew point near the ground?


What is a stratus cloud called when it touches the ground?

When a stratus cloud touches the ground, it is called fog. Fog is essentially a type of low-lying cloud that forms when the air near the ground cools and reaches its dew point, causing water vapor to condense into tiny water droplets.

When air is cooled to the dew point near the ground it form a stratus cloud?

Yes, when air is cooled to its dew point near the ground, it can result in the formation of a stratus cloud. This occurs when the air becomes saturated with moisture and water vapor condenses into tiny water droplets, creating a layer of low-lying cloud that appears uniform and covers large areas of the sky.

What is a cloud formed near the ground?

fogfogA cloud that forms close to the ground is known as a stratus cloud.

What are the type of clouds that form near the ground called?

The type of clouds that form near the ground are called fog. Fog is formed when air near the surface cools to the point where it can no longer hold its water vapor, causing it to condense into droplets and create a cloud-like formation.

What type of stratus cloud contact with the ground?


Is layer of clouds is called a stratus?

no a stratus is a layer cloud.