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convection currents

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6d ago

When a line of clouds moves across the sky, it is an example of cloud movement due to wind patterns in the atmosphere. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs as a result of air currents and weather systems.

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Q: When a line of clouds move across the sky it is a example of what?
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When a line of clouds move across the sky it is an example of a..?

An example of the effect of wind

When an line of clouds move across the sky it is an example of a?

An example of the effect of wind

When a line of clouds move across the sky what is it a example of?

convection currents

When a line of clouds move across the sky this is an example of a?

This is an example of cloud movement caused by wind. Wind carries the clouds along, causing them to move across the sky.

What does a cloud need to move across the sky?

Clouds are moved across the sky by the wind. The direction and speed of the wind determine how fast and in which direction the clouds will move. Temperature differences in the atmosphere can also play a role in cloud movement.

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Do clouds move or you feel because of earth?

Clouds move because of factors like wind patterns and air currents in the atmosphere. The perception of clouds moving across the sky is due to the rotation of the Earth, which gives the appearance that the clouds are drifting overhead.

What does it mean when clouds move fast?

it means a storm is moving across and or it is really windy out nothing serious!!

What pressure do clouds move?

Clouds can be moved by different forces such as wind patterns, air currents, and atmospheric pressure gradients. The movement of clouds is influenced by these factors that help to transport them across the sky.

How might clouds move?

Clouds move due to the wind carrying them along. Different layers of the atmosphere can have varying wind speeds and directions, causing clouds to drift, spread out, or even form into distinct shapes. The movement of clouds can also be influenced by local geographic features and weather systems.

How would you describe the movement of clouds?

Clouds move across the sky due to the wind's force and direction. Different types of clouds move at varying speeds and altitudes, creating patterns and formations as they flow. The movement of clouds can vary in speed and direction depending on atmospheric conditions such as temperature, pressure, and humidity.

What makes the clouds move?

wind makes the clouds move