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this is dangerous because it could electrifier you and kill you in 50 volts

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Q: What you use to find a star which tool?
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What is a tool that scientists use to find patterns in their data?

Scientists use statistical analysis tools to find patterns in their data. These tools help them identify relationships, trends, and correlations within their data sets, allowing for meaningful interpretations and insights to be derived. Examples of statistical analysis tools include regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and clustering algorithms.

Which tool is use to find the width?

the tool used to find the width of a pencil is a ruler. But use the centimeter side of it for the width only!!

What tool do you use to find mass of an object?


What tool do you use to find the mass of a rock?

You can use a balance or scale to find the mass of a rock. Place the rock on the balance or scale and record the reading to determine its mass.

What tool do you use to find weight?

A balance or scales.

How do astronomers determine if a star is moving towards or away from us?

Astronomers use the Doppler effect to determine if a star is moving towards or away from us. By observing the shift in the star's spectral lines towards the blue end of the spectrum (blueshift) or the red end of the spectrum (redshift), astronomers can infer the star's motion relative to Earth. Blueshift indicates the star is moving towards us, while redshift indicates it is moving away from us.

How do you find a star?

A person can find a star by looking up at the sky on a clear day. If you are looking for a particular star, you will need to know the latitude and longitude of the star. You can then use a telescope to find your star.

What is the correct too to use to find the mass?

A balance is the correct tool to use to find the mass of an object.

Which tool is used to draw stars?

star tool

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What tool do you use to find mass?

sebastian is doggy brain