It was discovered in the year 1610. See the related link for more information.
The moon Callisto was discovered in January of the year 1610. The moon belongs to the planet Jupiter.
Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, was discovered by Galileo Galilei on January 7, 1610 along with three other moons of Jupiter.
The biggest planet discovered is Jupiter. It is a gas giant planet and is more than 300 times the mass of Earth.
A year on Jupiter is the amount of time for Jupiter to make one full revolution around the sun. The "year" on Jupiter takes 4331.57 Earth days (11.86 Earth years).Because Jupiter spins much faster than Earth, its day is as little as 9.84 Earth hours. This works out to 10,563 "Jupiter days" in a "Jupiter year."
People don't exactly recall who discovered Jupiter. All we know is that Jupiter was a Roman god, and it was a part of Babylonian culture, too. Galileo was a big part of discovering Jupiter's moons though, if you would like to know.
it was discovered by Robert hooke in the year 1664.
Jupiter's moon, Callisto, a large rocky/icy body, was discovered in year 1610 by Galileo Galilei.
Tonans Jupiter discovered Jupiter in about 6000 BC-200 BC in between those times
Know ones know the date is ancient but it has been said to have been discovered in BC
Jupiter was discovered in 1079 in fact jupiter has a big hole in it.
Many astronomers have discovered Jupiter's moons. Galileo discovered the first four moons of Jupiter, named Calisto, Europa, Ganymede and Io.
Galileo discovered Jupiter and three of its moons on January 7, 1610.
The moon Callisto was discovered in January of the year 1610. The moon belongs to the planet Jupiter.
Europa was discovered in 1610 by Galileo when he pointed a telescope at Jupiter.
the one who discovered Jupiter
Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiter in 1610.