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Q: What would happen if you brought a balloon into space?
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What would happen to a balloon if you brought it down to the bottom of the ocean?

It would probably fill up with water, and then you'd have a water balloon.

What would happen if you brought a compass in to space?

it would spin around and around.

What would happen to a balloon filled with helium if it was brought into a warm building?

It will expand. It would rise upwards even if it weren't brought into a warm room. As the temperature increases, the volume will also increase in order to maintain the pressure.

What would happen to the size of a balloon that is brought from inside a warm building to outside in the cold?

The balloon would shrink in the cold weather because the air molecules inside the balloon lose kinetic energy and move closer together, resulting in a decrease in volume.

What would happen if you took an inflated balloon to the top of a mountain?

The balloon would expand slightly due to the lower atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes. However, it would not burst as long as the pressure inside the balloon remains greater than the external pressure. When brought back down to lower altitudes, the balloon would return to its original size.

What reaction would happen if you freeze a balloon?

the balloon would probably put on a jumper

What would happen if you put a blown up balloon outside in the sun What would happen if you put it in a refrigerator?

When in the sun the balloon gets slightly bigger, when in the refrigerator the balloon shrinks.

What would you expect to happen to a balloon filled with air if it was put into a?

the balloon's volume would decrease!!!

If you infaleted a balloon and then exposed it to outer space what would happen?

It will pop because the internal pressure will be much greater than the external pressure.

What will a helium filled balloon do in space?

In space, a helium-filled balloon will expand further due to the lack of air pressure outside the balloon. Eventually, the balloon will burst because the pressure from the helium inside will exceed the pressure outside.

  What would you expect to happen to a balloon filled with air if it was put into a refrigerator?

the balloon's volume would decrease!!!

What would happen if a charged balloon touched a neutral balloon?

If a charged balloon touched a neutral balloon, electrons from the charged balloon would be transferred to the neutral balloon, causing the neutral balloon to become negatively charged. This is due to the principle of electrostatic induction.