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we would die

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Q: What would happen if the earth flipped over?
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What would happen to your head if it was at the center of the earth?

It, and everything inside it, would be crushed (this is, of course, if the centre of the Earth was empty, because if it wasn't, then you would be burnt to a crisp due to the immense heat fo the centre of the Earth). Your head would be crushed because gravity pulls you to the centre of the Earth, and if this is happening all over the Earth, then loads of gravity is going into one spot in the centre of the Earth. This would all push at you on all sides and subsequently crush you.

What would happen if the earth didn't have a magnetosphere?

Without a magnetosphere, the Earth would be more vulnerable to solar wind and cosmic radiation. This would lead to increased exposure to harmful radiation, which could have negative effects on our atmosphere, climate, and potentially life on Earth. Additionally, the solar wind could strip away our atmosphere over time, similar to what happened on Mars.

What causes the changes that happen in the suns position in the sky over a year?

the earth is always revolving around the sun therefore changes the suns position here on earth

What would happen if the path of a satellite if its orbit was tilted more?

If the orbit of a satellite is tilted more, it would result in a change in the satellite's ground track and coverage area. This change in inclination would also affect the satellite's position relative to the Earth's equator, potentially altering its visibility and communication capabilities with specific regions.

What if the moon were farther from the earth?

If the moon were farther from the Earth, it would appear smaller in the sky and have a weaker gravitational influence. This could result in weaker tides and potentially lead to changes in the Earth's axial tilt and rotation rate over long periods of time.

Related questions

What would happen if the world flipped over on its head?

The most dramatic change would be massive chaos to the Earths climate.

What has happened to Earth's magnetosphere over the thousands of years?

The Earth's magnetosphere has flipped. It is the opposite as it was thousands of years of go.

What would happen if the earth had less light and heat?

It would freeze over.

When a figure is flipped over?

it can be flipped over any time

What would happen if half the earth got over populated?

the economics would be low.

What would happen if aliens took over the earth?

They would have to deal with the economy instead of the current government.

What will happen to the earth when it is very closed to the sun?

What will happen is that the earth would become thoroughly over heated. Most of the water would probably evaporate and we would die because we would be way too hot. Hope that helps!

What would happen if you didn't have earth day?

If we didn’t have Earth Day, Earth wouldn’t even be Earth anymore. One reason this would be is because first there would be trash all over the streets, oceans and beautiful places we once had.

What happens if a player that is all-in flipped his cards over before all bets were placed?

Nothing, his cards stay flipped over.

What would happen if the energy that earth gets from the sun slowly decreased over time?

Eventually it would be come a ball of frozen ice.

What collapsible flipped over on the Titanic?

'Collapsible B' is the boat that was flipped over with 30 men clinging on it. this boat was on the left front part of the titanic

Do mattress pads need to be flipped over as they always say?

Most manufacturers recommend mattress pads be flipped over every time you change the linens.