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A lot of plants and animal could possibly die because of the added weight, building may collapse and people may live through it and eventually adapt to the change as would any other surviving plants and animals.

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Q: What would happen if the earth's gravity doubled?
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How is gravity affected if mass is changed?

if you double the earths density say , standing at the surface you would experience twice the acceleration, weight would be doubled

What happens to your weight if acceleration due to gravity somehow doubled?

If acceleration due to gravity doubled, your weight on Earth would also double. This means that the force of gravity pulling you downward would be twice as strong as it is currently, causing you to feel heavier.

What would happen to the International Space Station if it were not moving sideways?

Earth's Gravity would pull it straight down to earths surface.

Why is acceleration due to gravity the same for all objets?

because all are measured at the same radius from the earths cog, if you doubled this distance, the acceleration would be only one quarter that of the surface

What would your weight b if earths mass were to be doubled?

Your weight would be double what it is now.

What would happen if earth's mass doubled without changing its size your weight would?

From the Law of Gravity, F=(GmM)/rr where M is the mass of Earth and m the human mass, G=6.67*10^(-11) r is Earth's radius The force F is F=mg also mg=weight where g is the acceleration due to gravity and m the human mass Putting them together, we get that the acceleration due to gravity g, is g=GM/rr From this, we get that if the mass of the Earth was doubled, then the acceleration due to gravity would be doubled. So, F=m2g this means that the human weight would be doubled as well I think the derivation is correct.

How would the force of gravity between two objects change if the mass if each object were doubled?

The Gravity would Double.

What would be the effect on the mass and the weight of an object if the object were taken to at planet with twice the gravity of earth?

Nothing would happen to mass, but as weight is technically a force due to gravity, based on mass, the weight would be doubled, but again mass would remain the same.

If the universe expands would the earths gravity decrease?


Which planets surface gravity is 38 percent that of earths?

Mercury has a surface gravity that is about 38% that of Earth's. This means that you would weigh less on Mercury compared to Earth due to its weaker gravitational pull.

What would happen to the area of a triangle when both dimensions are doubled?

If both dimensions are doubled then the area is quadrupled. This is true of any geometric shape.

What would happen if the amount of molecules in earth's atmosphere doubled?

They would create a double greenhouse effect