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People who have travelled in space are called astronauts or cosmonauts.

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Q: What word that mean voyager in space?
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Voyager in space with the root word naut?


What is a space word that starts with v?

Venus, Voyager, Viking, Virgo

Is the voyager 2 a space probe?

yes voyager 2 is a space probe

Is voyager an American space shuttle?

No, Voyager is not an American space shuttle. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are twin spacecraft launched by NASA in 1977 on a mission to study the outer planets. They are not designed for human travel like the space shuttle.

What is voyager in space?

voyager is a probe sent in space by NASA for exploring different planets.

When was Voyager - Space Needle album - created?

Voyager - Space Needle album - was created in 1995.

Voyager in space with the word naut?

Voyager is a spacecraft launched by NASA in 1977 to study the outer planets. The word "naut" is a term derived from the Greek word for sailor, often used in combination with other words like "astronaut" or "aquanaut" to refer to those who travel in space or underwater.

What does the french word voyages mean?

It is the "tu"(you) cognated from voyager. Voyager is to travel, so voyages is you travel.

What space probes have traveled to Uranus?

Voyager 1 and Voyager 2.

Was there any unmanned space missions on Neptune?

Yes, Voyager II has. (Voyager II is an unmanned space probe).

What is the latin word for voyager?


What space probe is in space in space?

there are many probes in space. There is the Hubble space telescope, voyager voyager 2. Here are just some probes in space. there too much to name all of them.