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The Sun consumes 4.2 million tons of its own matter each second. Will it soon vanish altogether? No. Over the next 5 billion years, this rate of use will cost the sun only one forty-thousandth of it's enormous mass. As it nears the end of its life in about 12 billion years, it will run out of Hydrigen ( hydrigen is used in the sun's core to put into Helium) When it runs out the core will contract under the pressure of gravity. Although the core wil shrink it will still produce heat, causing the outer layers to expand. The sun will become a Rad gaint and consume Mecury, Venus and possibly Earth. The sun will only stay a Red gaint for a few million years. When it runs out of Helium ( Helium is used to put into Carbon) it wil shrink into a white dwarf and with time into a black dwarf.

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6mo ago

When the sun runs out of gas, it will go through a series of changes. It will swell into a red giant, eventually shedding its outer layers to form a planetary nebula. The remaining core will collapse into a white dwarf, gradually cooling over billions of years.

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