I was up in Norway on the 1st day of summer. The sun never did set. It was cool. Of course that only happens for a brief period each year. If the sun never set for the entire year, the plant life would adapt over time, and I'm sure humans would get more things done with all the "light" time available. It would reduce the need for so many hours of electric light usage. The human "night owls" might have a problem at first, but just as we artificially light the nights, we can also darken the days, for those who need the down time.
it doesnt
The flower will die because the Sun gives them energy and food, even Sunflowers need the Sun because they follow it day and night.
Yes, a full moon can set at sunrise. The setting of the moon and the rising of the sun are independent of each other, so it is possible for both events to happen simultaneously.
There is no planet where the sun does not rise and set. All planets in our solar system experience day and night due to rotation on their axes.
The Sun and moon will never meet
It doesnt seem to it just does because the Earth rotates from West to East.
It is impossible for the sun to set on stars because it doesnt actually go anywhere. The reason why the sun "sets" and "rises" is just because Earth is rotating, making the side you are on face the rest of space, and away from the sun, which is our primary source of heat and light. So if the sun is not going anywhere, then it cannot set on anything.
Sunset happens when the earth turns you far enough so that the line from your eye to the sun runs into the ground.
Pork left in the sun for long hours may be unsafe to eat. It should be thrown out.
if you put a mirror in front of the sun, this thing will happen, like a flash of light.its pretty cool, but it doesnt work all the time
The side of the Earth facing the Sun would get very hot and the side of the Earth in dark would get very cold.
The Sun doesnt Rotate
it doesnt
It doesnt..
it doesnt
The flower will die because the Sun gives them energy and food, even Sunflowers need the Sun because they follow it day and night.
In Portland, OR the sun will rise at 0641 hr PDT on 7apr13 and set at 1945 hr PDT